Friday, November 21, 2008

It's A Party!

Haydn's new passion is drawing and writing. His specialty is books, as he has written a couple, and is now collaborating with a boy from school on another! He writes pages all the time, and everywhere. He even writes pages in the van wherever we go. He has a rubbermaid tub that he has turned over for a desk, and off we go. These are non-fiction books, too. No stories, here. He is out to inform kindergarteners everywhere about the world. My personal favorite page comes from the book "Things Under The Sea". After giving facts about turtles, bass, and a myriad of others, he writes "Do you know that sea monsters are just a myth?!" How funny. Anyway, last weekend he made a clubhouse out of a train (you've seen it before with mom in it!) He wanted to make a party and this is the sign he hung outside... Let me interpret... Men (are allowed) . Women (are allowed). You can bring your cats and dogs (all of them). BUT, here's the catch. No Kissing (heart) and NO SMOKING!

1 comment:

Erin said...

LOL! Well the kid has it correct, no smoking. My son could illustrate those books. I have a pile of picture books, but no story yet.

Thanks for stopping over.