Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Program at Church

Last night at church, we had our Christmas Program. Our family sang Away in A Manger all together (minus Gwyneth). Haydn had the idea for all of us to sing awhile back, and he talked his dad into doing it! It's amazing what a kid can get his dad to do (: Hutch, on the other hand, was a little harder to convince. He can sing, but he doesn't like to sing in front of people- not even us, usually. I finally bribed Hutch about a week ago, telling him that if he sang I'd get him ice cream. We never discussed it further, so I thought he had forgotten. He cooperated so well, stood in front of everyone and sang every word of all three verses! After church, my mom told him that he did a great job. He looked right at me and said, "Now can I get ice cream?!!!!" We headed to McDonalds for ice cream in sub-zero weather! It's amazing what a kid can get his MOM to do (:
It was such a sweet experience to sing with all of them, and it was so much fun practicing in the living room every night! I am blessed with such a wonderful family!
I almost forgot! Also, Haydn played in a Children's Bell Choir. He did so great, and it was so cute to watch them. He concentrated so hard, and was very serious about it! Way to Go, Haydo!

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