Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Ohio State Fair

Photobucket We went down to Columbus to watch Dad show his Percherons at the Ohio State Fair on Tuesday. He took 5 horses down to show and did a great job! You'll have to ask him what places he got in what classes! (:
Rex went to help him, and did a great job!

Between shows, we took the kids out for a little fair-going!


We had a great time! They go to the Indiana State Fair next week for the National show, and then the Iowa State fair after that!!


Create in me a clean heart O God, and put a new and right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10 said...

Wait, you're going to the Iowa State fair? Any chance you want to meet my parents somewhere along I-80 and get the van seat for the "new" church van?

Ridenour Family said...

I am not going to the Iowa fair, but my dad's taking the horses. You could ask him! (:
~do I want to know why the church van seat is in Iowa?!!