Friday, February 6, 2009

Haydn had his 100th day of school this week. His teacher went all out, and they even got 100 glasses. How cute! (I love her by the way) Haydn inherited his deer-in-the-headlight look from his father! ha

I think this one is a little better
We haven't heard from Hutch much lately, have we? Well, what has he been up to, besides avoiding my camera-as you can see above!
His current project is building a"pen" for his monster trucks and farm animals, so they don't get lost.

See what's inside.

Gwyneth is just busy being cute! Yesterday she crawled up onto our chair and was standing, climbed all the way up the basement stairs (with me RIGHT behind her-don't worry), and climed over that black box in the background of the first picture of Hutch's pen!

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