Friday, October 24, 2008

First Annual Fall Fling!

My mom and dad had over 50 Van Wert City School students come to a Field Trip at their farm yesterday! One of the activities they did was go on a pumpkin ride. They rode a wagon out to a field where my mom and dad had scattered a whole bunch of pumpkins. They got to go out and choose which pumpkin they wanted to have. Anyway, my dad thought that the grandkids would like to do the same thing last night (and he was right!) The whole family was there, MINUS Caleb because he is in DC right now! We ended the evening with a Weenie Roast and lots and lots of Hot Chocolate! We had a great time- actually such a great time that I decided, on my own, that it would be called the Fall Fling, and, this was the first annual!!!

Waiting in anticipation for the pumpkin ride! Even Gwyneth got to ride (we scooted her away from the edge, though, and had an adult supervising for the actual ride!!
John, announcing something to everyone!
The kids choosing the perfect pumpkin!

After we ate, we all just hung out at the fire for awhile.

For seats around the bonfire, mom and dad put big planks between straw bales. One of them was really long, and therefore, bouncy!!! Everyone had fun bouncing!

I thought I'd take a picture of each kid, in age order. Obviously, our oldest is missing!
Lainey, age 7
Elliott, age 7
Haydn, age 6
Hutch, age 3
Camdyn, age 14 months

Gwyneth, age 8 months

We had a great time!! We love ~The Barn~
Looking forward to next year's!! (hint hint Mom)

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