Our church put a baby shower on for Colleen and Peyton yesterday. I was in charge of food, so I enlisted the help of my mom to make Cake Pops! We had so much fun planning and making these, and I think everyone enjoyed this special touch to the shower.
The theme was Yellow & Pink
The food table. Ellen brought fruit salad. I made homemade cheese crackers in cheddar & parmesan. Amber made the pink punch, Michelle did the coffee punch, and Mom brought the lemonade. I think it turned out great! (Heather did the decorating)
That looks awesome! Your family is very talented! Could you (no rush) send me the recipe for the coffee punch that sounds awesome! I wouldn't mind the cake pop recipe either, as that would be a great birthday treat for Emma's kindergarten class! (B-day not till January) If it is a secret family recipe, I understand! :)
Thanks, Chantal! I will get that recipe from Michelle (I was going to get it anyway-it' soo good) and send it your way. I'll also get the cake pops recipe, too. No secrets here! I can email both of them to you (your address is probably on your fbook acct?)
Sweet! That is Awesome! Thanks! Yes I think it is if not, your sister has my cell # you can text me and I will give to you. Thanks...can't wait!
Oh my!!! I just love the cake pops!! How cute are they!! Could I request the recipe too? Adorable, your mom is soooo talented!
okay- it's a little late, but better late than never, right?! I'll just put the recipes here in the comments so everyone can see (:
Coffee Punch:
1-2oz. instant coffee
1 cup sugar
2 cups boiling water
Mix ingredients together and let them chill. Pour coffee mixture into a punch bowl and add...
1 gallon 2% milk
1/2 gallon chocolate ice cream
1/2 gallon vanilla ice cream
That's it!!
okay. CAKE POPS:
Here's a tutorial for them http://momentsofwonderful.com/2011/05/i-should-charge-for-this-cake-pop-tutorial/ (just cut and paste)
Also, bakerella makes them. They are sooo cute and the possibilities are endless. Check her out at bakerella.com
Thanks! Enjoy!
Thanks! I just notice you posted the recipes! You are awesome! Thanks so much! By the way I love when you add quotes to your photos! You should make them into wall hangings.
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